The "Let There Be" Life

Let There Be

The "Let There Be" Life

The Let There Be life is one where glamour meets natural, organic, non-toxic beauty and home products. Getting as close to the way nature meant for products to be is our goal. 

The Let There Be life is one that allows us to endulge in luxurious, heavenly feeling, cosmetic products without the fear of rubbing carcinogens (cancer-causing ingredients), and other downright unhealthy ingredients on our bodies' biggest organ...our skin. 

Our #LTBTribe is a Tribe of women who have taken a stand against mainstream cosmetic cruelty and who are standing up for affordable, luxurious beauty. Our close to Eden as possible.

Our products are organic, vegan friendly, and cruelty-free for animals AND humans! Soon we will be adding home products for which the same standards will apply. 

When you purchase from Let There Be, you are also helping families who are in need of food and personal care products. 10% of every purchase is donated to this cause. 

To do our part in helping the planet, our products are formulated using sustainable ingredients and are placed in easy to recycle containers. We also offer Refills on products such as scrubs and deodorant. The refilled products are available in recyclable kraft packaging.